Keeping Your Practice Healthy During COVID-19

License Renewal & CE Credit Extensions

You may have received notification from your provincial regulator about license renewal and / or CE credit extensions.

We strongly encourage advisors to prepare and submit their license renewals as they’re currently due and as far in advance as possible, in order to avoid any delays in processing on the regulators’ end. Remember, many of their staff are working from home as well, with new processes in place. It’s important to ensure you’re continuously licensed, and that you don’t put your carrier contracts in jeopardy by allowing your license to expire. Keep in mind, too, that just because a regulator may permit an extension to a license renewal doesn’t guarantee that carriers are able to, or will permit, the extension as well.

Clients Who’ve Deferred Premium Payments

It’s important to stay connected with clients who’ve sought relief from insurance companies. As the 60 and / or 90-day deferrals come due, clients will need your help arranging for payments. We are working with the industry on further measures to help clients repay premiums; more information is posted here.

Cyber Security Best Practices for Advisors

COVID-19-related scams are on the rise. In some cases, cybercriminals are using the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) or ads for protective gear to lure you into clicking links that could steal from you or lock your information.

Protect yourself by understanding how you could be targeted, and take some simple steps to shore up your defences.

Running Your Practice Digitally



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