BridgeForce Compliance News October 17, 2022

In this issue:

  • Title Protection: A Different Approach in Saskatchewan
  • What if there’s a breach?
  • What Are Your CE Requirements?

Title Protection: A Different Approach in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is viewing the focus on product competence as potentially too narrow from a consumer interest perspective. They’re considering approaching title protection with a much broader lens. Not all stakeholders agree.

More information

What if there’s a breach?

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has several short videos to help businesses understand their responsibilities and what actions they need to take if there is a breach. Click here to watch a 2-minute video: “What if there’s a breach?”

What Are Your CE Requirements?

Many of you attending the Fall Meeting enjoyed the content and camaraderie. Many are learning however that the regulators are beginning to enforce the CE requirements and have questions about what those are in each jurisdiction.

Alan Hoffman, our BridgeForce University Host, has prepared a video series outlining licensing and designation requirements.

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