iA Financial Replay

Date: July 5, 2022
Time: 9:30 AM EST

Guest Speaker(s):
Qayam Lalji & Angie Chiu
iA Financial

BridgeForce Guest Host(s):
Dennis Brumley & Mark Denney


9:30 – 10:00 am

  • BridgeForce Advisor Forum
    Your chance to come together with fellow BridgeForce advisors to discuss a variety of current, industry topics.

10:00 – 11:00 am

  • Angie Chiu | iA Financial
    • Universal Loan Insurance
      • Buying property or a new vehicle or opening a line of credit our major financial commitments. What would happen to these monthly payments if your client had to stop working due to an illness or an accident?
  • Qayam Lalji | iA Financial
    • PAR Whole Life; Not Just Death Benefit
      • Learn how PAR insurance can further diversify your client’s investment portfolio, help your client’s enhance their estate value as well as provide income flexibility during retirement.

Webinar Replay

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