Equitable Life Replay

Date: June 28, 2022
Time: 9:30 AM EST

Guest Speaker(s):
Tracy Heath & David Hutchison
Equitable Life

BridgeForce Guest Host(s):
Dennis Brumley & Mark Denney


9:30 – 10:00 am

  • BridgeForce Advisor Forum
    Your chance to come together with fellow BridgeForce advisors to discuss a variety of current, industry topics.

10:00 – 11:00 am

  • David Hutchison | Equitable Life
    • A True PARtnership – Helping You Sell Whole Life Insurance
      • Participating Whole Life Sales lead the industry by premium so many clients have been taking advantage of this versatile product. Find out the many issues Par Whole Life can solve but more importantly, what to look for in order to maximize the solutions you provide to your clients.
  • Tracy Heath | Equitable Life
    • Equitable Life Seg Funds
      • Seg funds offer many opportunities other investments such as Mutual Funds don’t. Looking at how to position some of these benefits and how Equitable Life gives you the advantage over other options that are our there in the market place. You will also hear about what is coming and some of the important changes happening to help make doing business with Equitable Life easier.

Webinar Replay

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