| Can Your Clients Afford a Vacation?

For most of your clients, a summer vacation is an annual fixture on their calendars.

And while they do work hard leading up to their getaway, it’s crucial to find out if they’re saving enough to expense all travel and luxury costs.

If not, they risk coming back to a pile of bills and extra stress.

Saving for a splurge requires a plan, a budget and discipline, says Connie-gay Boyce of Valley First, a division of First West Credit Union.

“[Tell your clients] to map out where they want to go, for how long and what they’d like to do,” says Boyce. “Doing so will provide a pretty good outline of how much it will cost altogether.”

Read: Advice for client’s vacation dollars

She adds, “Adding 20% to the final figure brings the total closer to the real bottom line.”

Also, developing a budget and building up savings will help clients avoid using high-interest credit cards or dipping into their long-term savings accounts while away.

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