| 6 Ways to Close a Prospect

It’s rare a prospect will say, “Stop talking, you’ve convinced me. Where do I sign?” Instead, you’ve got to ask for the business. So how do you do it?

If you know how to learn about the prospect’s goals and objectives, you can develop a proposal and present it. How do you go from presenting information to asking for the order? Here are a few phrases used by successful advisors.

  • Are you ready to address the issues?
  • Can you see yourself benefiting from the strategy?
  • Can we proceed with the plan?
  • Are you comfortable enough with the recommendations to proceed?
  • Can I have your business?
  • I want to work for you, and just need your go-ahead. Can I have it?

What do all six expressions have in common? They are closed-end questions. They all focus on the prospect by including the word “you”. Most important, the uncomfortable answer is no. (Read each question and answer no. How does it feel?)

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